Thursday, April 16, 2015

To my mummy

To my Mummy

I love you. I know I'm not always the best at showing it and I know that sometimes I drive you crazy (and vice versa!), but through it all you have been the most amazing, steady, calming force in my life. You are the person who makes things happen. The person I know I can always turn to, count on, no matter what.

I may not be the best or most perfect daughter in the world, but you've always loved me anyway. Through my tantrums and my meltdowns, my anxiety and my depression, you have always been right there to comfort me or to snap me out of it.

We fight occasionally, as most mothers and daughters do, but even in the midst of it, you have never walked away. I don't think you ever could. So, even though you will say it's not necessary,  that you're my mummy and there's no need for thanks between us, I still want to say Thank you!

Thank you for raising me and for doing whatever it took to get me to where I am today.  I have never made it easy, but your strength has never wavered. I am grateful for all you have done for me and continue to do. You are my mummy, my mom, my friend, my confidant. And I love you.

PS: You asked me write something happy. Something positive. To stop focusing on the pain and the negative. When I tried to, you were what I thought of. Your love is the most positive thing in my life.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Do you remember that girl?

 ~ A mirrored pool
Do you remember that girl?
     Who trailed after you
     Longing to be included,
     But was laughed at,
     And told she was too young
     And too dumb
     And a tattletale
     When she had never said a thing?

Do you remember that girl?
     She used to wear 2 plaits to school
     and you would grab them and say "giddy up, horsey".

Do you remember, 
     she got put into B group for writing
     and would disappear into the bathroom
     every time it was writing period.

Do you remember her?
     She got chicken pox that one year
     and when she returned to school,
      there was a new girl sitting
     in her place in class
     and all her friends had abandoned her.

Do you remember,
     she was the only one who had to wear glasses
     and so everyone called her "4 eyes"?

Do you remember that girl
     Who said "Mommy, am i as pretty as [family member]?"
     Who was told "Looks aren't everything"
     Who was told to be smart instead?

Do you remember her,
     she was the last one in class
     to be allowed to use a pen.
To this day,
     she is more comfortable with a pencil.

Do you remember that girl
     who thought she liked a boy
     and that boy started to pretend she didn't exist?
Oh and that year that everyone decided they hated her,
Do you remember that?
Do you remember her book,
     "Comfort Herself"
     that was her only company
     that you took from her
     that you teased her about?

Do you remember
     how you locked her in the toilets
     and wouldn't let her out
     until the bell rang to go back to class?

Do you remember
     how you wouldn't leave her alone
     until she got so upset
     she threw the apple she was eating right in your eye?

Do you remember
     that time you punched her in the chest
     so hard
    it hurt to breathe for a week?
Or when you hit her in the face with a volleyball
     and her glasses almost broke?

When you wrote on her commemorative photo,
     "Don't get any more pimples".

Good times,  right? Those kids just do the darndest things!

And the last year you knew her, do you remember
     how she had no friends?
     And how another boy she liked decided she didn't exist?
     And when she refused to go to school after exams were done
     until the teachers phoned
     to insist
     she come for the awards?
     She scooped up most of the awards in spite of you?

Do you remember
     that new girl in high school?
     She didn't know anyone
     and no one wanted to be her friend
     because she had been
     the least liked person as her mentor.

Do you remember
     how she scraped together
     a group of friends
     over the period of 3 years?

Do you remember,
     How she lived in fear of losing them
     when she almost got assigned
     to the second class for physics?
     The anxiety that day was excruciating.

Do you remember the boy she fell in love with?
     How she would have done anything for a kind word or smile
     How she trusted him with her feelings
     How he betrayed that trust
     How he caused her to be ostracized
     And laughed at
     And called "stalker"

Do you remember the second boy she fell in love with?
     How he called her fat?
     But she married him anyway.
     How he betrayed her trust
     But she forgave him anyway.

None of you remember
     "We were young"
     you will say.
     "Just kids"
     "Who remembers such things?"
But she remembers.
     That girl.
     She cannot forget.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Note: This post veered off from its planned content. Never fear, I will pick up the loose threads in a future post.

So I know things have been quiet on the blog front lately, and those of you waiting with bated breath for the next pearls of wisdom to drop from my pen, have been patient enough. There have been many things that I have been coming to grips with over the past 2 years that I haven't felt able to blog about. Hence the silence. The odd post here and there have given hints of it, hints that all has not been well, but for the most part I have stayed silent on the topic.

Part of that was probably denial. If I don't talk about it here, the place where I have bared my soul and shared my pain, then its not real. Part of it was also anxiety and embarrassment.

You see, when I started this thing, I had only a few readers, people who knew everything anyway or random strangers who stumbled here. It was a private-public expression of the madness in my head. Since then, however, my readership has grown to include people who know me personally and yet don't know me at all. And people whose good opinion matters greatly to me. And also people who I fear my words will wound unnecessarily.

This led to some soul searching as to what can I really say on here. Can I really rip off the masks and bare my soul when I know people are watching? And if I cant, is there really a point to this blog? This was supposed to be the one place where I was the most authentic version of myself. Where I have no need of masks to hide behind. Where I can be me and damn the consequences.

I have been struggling with this question for a while and I have come to realize that if you, my readers, keep coming back here, its because  you want to know the true me. If you have gotten to this point with me without running screaming into the night, then don't I own it to you not to don the mask once more? Don't I owe it to myself to see if the true authentic me is worth more than the dozens of masks I continuously wear?

Do any of you love me for me, exactly as I am at my core, at the deepest recesses of my mind and heart? Am I enough? Just me, no shields, no masks, no "happy face"?