This has been a crazy week. Monday was a public holiday and my cousin (who is more sister than cousin) came down from Johannesburg to spend the weekend with me. I was so excited to see her again and I made another batch of strawberry jam in anticipation of making scones with with her on saturday.. It was awesome... is there anything better than fresh warm scones, homemade jam and freshly whipped cream? Initially that was going to be this weeks tasty thursday, but they got eaten so fast and we were having so much making them that I forgot to take photos.. so maybe next time :P
The next morning, Sunday morning, I was awakened early by Blaze and Shadow. They were howling outside wanting to be allowed to be together again. We had to keep them apart when we werent there to supervise because we couldn't let Shadow interfere with Blazes eye while it was healing. After sorting them out, (we needed to fix Blaze's cone, he had broken it during the night) I was unable to go back to sleep, so I started making these delicious omelettes. Since we're vegetarian, we don't eat eggs, so this recipe has been in my family for a while.
Vegetable omelette
1 cup gram flour (chickpea flour)
1 cup self raising flour
1 cup grated cheese
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbs margerine/butter
1 cup milk
approx 1 cup water
1 tsp each crushed ginger, garlic, chillies
1/2 tsp salt + pepper
dried mixed herbs
1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves and stems
1/4 cup spring onion
choice of filling - chopped :(choose at least 3)
1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 green/red/yellow pepper, soya hotdogs, jelapeno peppers, whatever u feel like adding
Method :
Microwave butter and milk until melted
mix in rest of the ingredients
add in water until dough is slightly runny

Heat non-stick skillet on medium heat
Pour a ladleful of batter onto skillet

Allow to cook until top is mostly formed and underneath is cooked (it should be a golden brown or slightly darker if you prefer)

Flip omelette over to allow other side to cook and brown

Cool on wire rack before stacking

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