Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Train your brain

There is an old adage that in order to get better at something, the only thing that will help is "Practice, Practice, Practice". The results of practice has been seen the world over : A person who does not know how to draw takes up a 365 day challenge and at the end of it is creating amazing images; A person takes up knitting and at the end of the year of practice is producing the most beautiful clothes, throws and toys; A computer programmer does programming "katas" and trains their brain to work more efficiently or within a specific methodology or a new language or even simply learns about an area that they were not proficient in.

If this has worked for so many, why not me? I am a computer programmer and I have seen the benefits of Code Kata's. While going through my current ebook collection which recently grew to incorporate a friends collection, I found a book called "1000 Awesome Writing Prompts". This sparked the idea in my head. If it works for drawing and works for coding, why can't it work for writing? I am going to give it a try. As I complete each exercise, I will post it up here on the blog and you can follow my progress. Occassionally, I will divert to using a writing prompt from my pinterest boards, but that will simply add to the number of prompts I use. I will write for no less than 1000 prompts.

Join me on this journey and let me know how I'm doing in the comments. Please, please comment. I will appreciate any comment, positive or negative, as it will only help me grow as a writer.

So lets start on this journey together and see how we go.

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