Thursday, November 10, 2016

Mean Girl

She says "No offence but..." and then says something completely offensive to me.

She says "I hope you dont mind but..." and then says something that she knows I will mind

She excludes me and makes me feel like a third wheel in my own friend group when she is the one who is new. And then says (to other people, mind you, not to me!) that she feels sad I took it personally. Because of course, it has to be me thats oversensitive,. I take things personally. It can't be that she was just a "mean girl".

When she hijacked my lunch plans, I said nothing. When she just automatically joined our friend group, I treated her like a friend. And THIS is how I get treated in return.

And my friend says to me "you're being sensitive". "you're just feeling anxiety and its coming out this way", It hurts.

It all hurts.

Sometimes I think why make friends at all.Its so hard to find someone who you actually click with and then something always happens. Or someone. And then you're left with your heart wide open with stab wounds and buried knives.

And pain.

Its time to practice being alone again. I know how. It just takes a little work closing the wounds.