Wednesday, September 8, 2010


“The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.” ~ Carlos Castaneda

If the amount of work is the same, then why is it that so much of the time we are miserable? We constantly focus on the bad stuff - I have a headache; I'm bored/irritated/stressed at work; I'm not getting paid enough; Everyone else is having babies/ getting married/______ (Fill in the the blanks here) and why not me? - and make ourselves miserable. But here's the rub.. we are CHOOSING to allow these thought patterns to continue.

If you're like me, thoughts don't just enter into your mind and leave.. they cycle around, maybe make a home for themselves,and sometimes getting into a feedback loop that just kinda appears when you're not actively thinking about something (like when you're in the shower or driving and listening to music). This is not necessarily a bad thing, unless the feedback loop is a negative one.

And knowing that you do this is one thing. Changing the loop to a positive one, is something more difficult. A few techniques I've been trying is consciously stopping the thought when I realise I am having it and turning my thoughts to more positive ones. I have also been trying to use new hobbies as a distraction so that the thought patterns that circulate are about the hobbies rather than thing that impact my life negatively. So far, its helped a bit, but I'm far from being perfect at it. The negativity still comes and sometimes I forget to refocus my energies.

If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to curb these, please write it in the comments. We can all choose to happy, but it is a conscious daily effort.

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