Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Progress Diary - 26 Feb to 8 Mar

Day 1-3 of my insulin reducing plan. Days 1 & 2 were painful and exhausting but I think my body is starting to get used to the idea now
day 4 : spoke too soon on day 3... was finished by the time i got home.. body was craving sugar like you would not believe. Felt faint and dizzy in the evening. I seem to be doing well in the mornings, but by 5pm my body realises its not getting ANY sugar and freaks out. I would have given anything to eat a slice of bread with my meal. ANYTHING!

Day 5 : have discovered that the cinnabalance really does keep the withdrawal symptoms away. Took only one this morning and am feeling the difference. Will take another in the afternoon and maybe the afternoon withdrawal wont be so bad (for those of you just tuned in, withdrawal from carbs and sugars .. not drugs, alcohol or nicotine! It feels like it though :P )
Day 6 : Spreading out the cinnabalance is a good thing.. feel slightly high for the whole day rather than being completely fine until I feel completely sick.
Have discovered papad is made with urad ni dhar (a type of lentil) not flour :D Since lentils are allowed, YAY for me

Day 7 : "I feel good! (nuh nuh na na na) Knew that I would, now" :P

Day 8-10 : Cheated a little over the weekend. Half a slice of pizza. Ugh, Never cheating again. Migraine and much unhappiness followed. Feeling slightly better now. If only my tummy would settle down again.

Day 11: Kinda bored with salad. I never liked salad to start off with and now I'm eating it every day. sigh Anyone got any ideas for interesting salads (within the parameters of the diet)?
On the up side I'm seeing some wonderful side-effects. No more acid reflux/burn. No more migraines (when im good :P). No more food cravings or intense hunger pangs.
The weight is definitely coming off though. Even though I am not allowed to weigh myself, I can see a difference. My jeans are looser and I feel slightly smaller. The exercise regimen is soemtimes hard to keep up (life intrudes and I don't get home till late, exhausted) but Im keeping at it. So far I have missed 3 days out of 11. Thats not an acceptable ratio and I will be working hard to drop it. I have found that exercising before bed, then showering gives me a better nights sleep and that this diet has given me more energy and the ability to stay awake later (says the person who used to want to go to bed at 8pm!)
Seeing the positive effects of this is whats keeping me motivated to continue, even through the sometimes boredom from the food choices and the difficulty of the exercise.

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